How to use IEMSI.H with your own programs to add IEMSI compatibility to your PEXs. FastLog/IEMSI creates a text file "IEMSI.HSK" in the Nodes home directory which contains the IEMSI Handshake packet as it was sent by the remote system or the string "NOIEMSI". You can add IEMSI support to your program by including the header file "IEMSI.H" in your C source and using getiemsi() to interpret the Packet and set pointers to the fields. ---- int getiemsi() returns: IEMSI_NOTINST : FastLog/IEMSI Not Installed IEMSI_NOTUSED : Current User not using IEMSI IEMSI_AVAILABLE : User logged in with IEMSI and the fields have been filled out. You should use the constants above instead of the numbers they represent as these could change in future versions of IEMSI.H if IEMSI_AVAILABLE has been returned then you can use IEMSI_ICI to access the fields. ---- Parts of the IEMSI handshake. birthdate crtdef pointer to comma delimited info about users Terminal emul,lines,width emul: ANSI : ANSI AVT0 : AVATAR VT100: VT100 emulation } Subset of ANSI VT52 : VT52 emulation } TTY : Standard TTY emulation lines: Number of lines on users screen width: Width of the screen protocols pointer to comma delimited list of protocols DZA : Direct Zmodem 8k ZAP : ZModem 8k ZMO : ZModem SLK : SeaLink KER : Kermit capabilities pointer to comma delimited list of package capabilities CHAT : Can do IEMSI Chat ASCII8 : Can display IBM Extended ASCII Character set requests pointer to comma delimited list of user requests HOT : User requests HotKeys CLR : User requests Clear screen MORE : More Prompt requested FSED : Full Screen Editor Requested MAIL : New Mail scan requested FILE : Check for new Files requested NEWS : Read the News requested xlattabl No definition as yet in IEMSI